

Handfasting is an ancient authentic Celtic ritual, an old Irish tradition that was frequently used in Pagan ceremonies where hands are tied together to symbolise the binding of two separate lives and the commitment you are making to each other. 

This is where the term ‘tying the knot’ originated.

  • Handfasting is a powerful symbol and beautiful personalisation to add to your ceremony and is perfect for weddings, elopements and renewal of vows.
  • It is a poignant unity ritual that can involve children, family members or friends.
  • A variety of materials and items can be used for your handfasting including items that are meaningful to you and your partner.
  • In traditional Celtic handfasting, ribbons that bind the couple’s wrists are made up of different colours, each colour has its own special meaning. For example:

        Red: passion, strength, lust, fertility

        Orange: encouragement, attraction, 

                    kindness, abundance.

  • Add handfasting as a beautiful enhancement to your bespoke ceremony and you will have a keepsake for all time.
  • Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.
  • There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

       Contact me to find out more.




The Unity Sand Ceremony is a tradition full of symbolism. It is a lovely visual way to represent the joining of two individuals and the creation of a new union and family.

  • It involves the pouring of sand from couples individual vessels to combine the grains into one, to make something new, a permanent transformation.

  • The joined vessel symbolise the marriage of both partners’ hopes, dreams, and values.

  • You may choose anyone you wish to participate in this ritual or keep it between you and your partner.

  • It is a beautiful and powerful ritual for blended families with children and a meaningful way to include family and friends if you wish.

  • This ceremony works well outdoors and can take the place of a Unity Candle Ceremony where wind may be an issue.

  • It is a meaningful enhancement for your ceremony and a beautiful Keepsake and a visual reminder of your love and wishes at the time of your union.

  • Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

  • There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.                            
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lisa-chalfa-celebrant-a-couple-getting-married-wishing stones-ceremony
lisa-chalfa-celebrant-a-couple-getting-married-wishing stones-ceremony


In ancient Celtic times, it was traditional for betrothed couples to swear their oath on a Wishing (or Oathing) Stone. They held it or put their hands together on a stone as they said their vows.

The stones can also be passed from one to another as you say your vows to set your promise into stone.

It is believed that this is where wedding vows originated and the phrase ‘set in stone’.

Wishing stones are a simple and impactful enhancement to incorporate into your ceremony.

It’s an ideal way to involve your family, friends and/or guests. They can also be given a stone, invited to warm it in their hands throughout the ceremony. Their energy, love and good wishes for you and your future life are absorbed into the stone.

You could also invite your guests to write their wishes, message, words of wisdom & love on the stones. There are many options.

Preserve your guest’s blessings, good will, wishes and in stone.

Wishing Stones are a great alternative to a guest book.

Stones last, they don’t break!

Your Wishing Stones will be a precious and meaningful reminder of all the love, hope and dreams from each other and/or from your guests and a meaningful keepsake.

Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

Contact me to find out more.

Unity Candle


The Unity Candle Enhancement is a romantic and symbolic tradition using 3 candles.

  • It symbolises the union of two individual’s, the joining together of two families and their love and commitment.

  • Flames symbolise love and passion and the adoration that you as a couple have for one another.

  • Lighting candles and joining them together is the physical representation of your enduring commitment and the blending of your families.

  • It is a powerful way to recognise your life-changing moments in a memorable and symbolic way.

  • Your Unity Candle Enhancement is a is a powerful ritual and a romantic way to personalise your wedding or renewal of vows.

Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

Contact me to find out more.


There are many variations of the Wishing Tree Enhancement.

  • Different cultures have their own twist on this beautiful enhancement which can be used in any ceremony of your choosing.

  • Have your guests write their written wishes and messages for you on cards and hang them on your wishing tree.

  • This is a beautiful way to cherish and keep all the love and good wishes for you and your future together.

  • You will have a precious and sentimental reminder and keepsake of all the love for you on your special day.

Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

Contact me to find out more. 


wedding ring or wedding band is worn to indicate that its wearer is married.

  • The first wedding rings can be traced back to the Ancient Egyptians. Rings exchanged were made from braided reeds and hemp. Rings were placed on the fourth finger of the left-hand as it was believed that there was a ‘vein of love’ that ran from this finger directly to your heart.

  • Including a ring warming enhancement in your ceremony is an opportunity to include your loved ones by having them hold your rings and make a wish (there are a variety of ways to do this).

  • Depending on your culture, your wedding ring is worn on your lefthand, closest to your heart.

  • If the wearer is left handed often it will be worn on the right hand.

  • Weddings rings are usually forged from metal, traditionally made of gold or another precious metal.

  • They are a symbol of love, devotion and an agreement between two parties to love and cherish one another for the rest of their days.

  • Their circular shape symbolises eternity and the circle of life.

Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

Contact me to find out more.


Creating a Time Capsule and sealing it at your ceremony is an exciting and fun enhancement and something to look forward to opening in your future!

  • Prepare it to celebrate your anniversary whether it’s your first, your fifth or longer or agree to open it when you have your first fight!

  • Select items to include in your Time Capsule; perhaps a bottle of champagne, wine or your favourite drink and glasses. Include letters to each other, outlining your plans, your hopes and your dreams.

  • Create a list of things you wish to accomplish between the time you seal the capsule at your ceremony and the time you open it.

  • Perhaps Include a small gift for each other.

  • It is a nice way to also involve your guests; your family and friends by asking them to write wishes on cards or select small, meaningful and or fun items to be wrapped and included in your Time Capsule.

  • Your Time Capsule may also be held for a future birthday in the event of a baby-naming.

  • You will have a beautiful keepsake and something to display in your home that will be a visual reminder of your love and commitment.

Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

Contact me to find out more.


The release of a beautiful white dove or doves at your ceremony is powerful and symbolic.

Doves are amazing animals. Their capacity to find their way home over hundreds, even thousands of kilometres is unrivalled in the animal kingdom. This ability has seen doves used over the centuries to deliver messages for royalty, military leaders and other notable figures.

  • The dove represents peace and soothes and quiets our troubled thoughts, enabling us to find renewal in the silence of the mind. Dove’s are believed to have roles as spirit messengers, a maternal symbol  that helps us to go about our lives calmly and with purpose.
  • Doves are considered a good luck  It is believed that seeing a pair of doves symbolises luck in love and are a symbol for harmonious family life, committed partnership. In ancient Greek mythology a pair of doves symbolises love and fidelity.
  • The release of doves at your ceremony is an energising and exciting spectacle for all to experience.
  • You can have a Dove release enhancement for any occasion, any ceremony.
  • Doves are S.P.C.A. approved. They are trained without stress, harm or cruelty, to return home after their release.
  • Mark your life-changing moments in a beautiful, memorable and symbolic way.

Feel free to adjust the tradition based on your own needs, wants and wishes and/or to include your cultural traditions.

There are several variations of this enhancement, and others which are not listed which we can discuss in your consultations.

Contact me to find out more.